Repairs & More
Derek can get you up and running again no matter what problem, business, home or student.
There are many ways of fixing Windows problem from YouTube to extremely cheap cd’s on sale & 4 times out of 10 they work. The rest of the time we have to fix what customers have tried to fix by themselves, so if you are unsure give us a call.
Is your computer running slow, feeling a little lethargic with no energy whatsoever then you have 2 options a virus removal or a complete clean which is we take all your data off and put it onto a memory stick and give your computer a thorough clean.
If you are a business owner or home owner and want to boost your wireless network or install state of the art business network then why not arrange a visit so we can assess what is the best option for you.
Is your computer or iMac/MacBook feeling sluggish then we can fix it, however if you are feeling sluggish sorry we only do computers?
We now live in an age where we want to listen to music in all rooms, we want to access our music from just one source, we want to turn down the lights or change the colour of our lights just using an app or a remote (we have one, best thing ever) again home or business owners we can get you started, obviously we don’t choose your music.
This is where Genius excels at from the basic £265 tower to a gaming machine of £1,450.00 (we actually have built one that was more expensive than this).
Towers are great for young ones as they can upgrade when their gaming becomes more serious or Sims is taking over all the storage. If you want more information than you can call us or email us and we will send you a few quotes for a gaming machine.